toolshop - Injection molds - production, service, modifications

Manufacturing of injection molds for thermoplatics

Injection molds - production, service, modifications

Injection molds – production, modifications, service – are the main part of PAWFORM’s activity.

In terms of new tools, we offer not only the stage of building the injection mold itself, but also comprehensive management and supervision of the entire project. When carrying out projects in the automotive industry, we have developed an implementation scheme that allows customers to have full insight into the project at each of its stages. Generally speaking, we transparently present the construction of the injection mold to our customers, we discuss the results of the injection simulation or from the first day we show the schedule and plan each stage of the project.

In fact, mold building, together with a comprehensive project management process, is the only way to efficiently build injection molds these days.


  • First, the development of the concept of the injection mold, the definition of assumptions for the construction and manufacture of the tool
  • Then, DFM report, moldflow analysis performed using Moldex3D software
  • Thirdly, the design of the mold along with the arrangement of project details with the client
  • Fourthly, creating and agreeing with the client a project schedule and constant reporting of project progress
  • Fifth, mold making
  • Trials and quality assessment of details
  • Finally, tests and implementation of the injection mold for production at the customer’s plant
injection molds

Modifications, service of injection molds:

We offer modifications and service of injection molds, regardless of whether the mold was made by us or by another tool shop. In short, it does not matter where the mold comes from – we undertake the service of molds made in Poland and abroad.

We often work with clients who build molds themselves in Chinese tool shops, and after their transport to Poland, they need support in starting them.

In the case of molds from other tool shops, the customer’s role is to provide the current documentation of the given tool along with the mould. Thanks to this, we avoid the risk of errors resulting from the lack of information on the history of changes in a given project. Access to the current mold documentation also means shortening the time needed to perform work related to the service or modification of the mould. The more information about the form we receive at the beginning, the faster and more efficiently we can make the necessary repairs or modifications.

Finally, we present the equipment we have at our disposal. if you are interested in cooperation, please contact us.